Schoolwork for the week of April 20th-24th 2020: All Classes

Ms. Noonan’s


MS Noonan’s Senior Infants

Ms. Brennan’s

Mrs. Lordan’s

2nd class

Mrs Lordan’s 3rd class

Mr. Bulfin’s

Work for 3rd/4th Class— spread the work over the week

  • Starlight 3rd&4th– read story on pages 133-136
  • Activities- Monday- put all the new words in sentences(printed in bold writing in the story) in your copy.                       
  • Tuesday- activities C&D
  • Wednesday- activity A&B
  • Thursday- activity E
  • Friday- Activity F

Better English 3rd&4th– Unit 22, one page Mon-Thurs

Handwriting Book 3rd&4th– next 2 pages during the week

3rd class- Just Phonics- pages 37-39. The words on page 37 can be your spellings for this week. Some of the words from the bottom of page 38 can be put into sentences on the lines at the top of the page.

4th- Spellbound  unit 23 – complete activites & put the spellings into sentences- make a list of the nouns, verbs and adjectives in your copy

3rd and 4th Class: Leigh sa Bhaile- pages 80-82                                              Read at Home- pages 110-112

Better Maths 3rd and 4th: pages 70&71

Figure it Out: 3rd class: pages 62&63 problems (use RUDE- the children should know what I mean)

 Figure it Out: 4th Class: pages 65&66 decimals

  • Continue with your ‘Daily Diary’- 6 to 8 lines 2/3 times a week will do
  • Caper book- 10 minutes silent reading (at least) every day.
  • Continue picking a country every day as we had started before the holidays- I’ve read some great facts about unusual countries.
  • I would also encourage everyone to continue working on a Coding App. If you want to send a video of your Coding work to the email I’d love to see it and post it on our Twitter page.
  • I would recommend for PE- The Body Coach- Joe Wicks- workout on Youtube- it is on at 9am everyday but all his workouts are on the YouTube channel and can be done at anytime during the day.
  • Art- The Don Conroy Channel on YouTube has a few lovely activities showing the children how to draw different animals. If you try this please send your final picture onto us!
  • Also the RTÉ Home  School Hub is on RTE2 every morning between 11am-12pm and can be a welcome break from the schoolwork if needed for a break. TG4 are also starting a programme like this during the week- 10am I believe. It would be very beneficial for your child to tune into this at least one of the days.
  • Please continue to send in your child’s work. It does not have to be on a daily basis but I would like to see their work at least a couple of times a week.
  • You should not be spending more than 2 hours a day at this work. 
  • Try your best, that’s all that can be done, and I really do hope we get back to normality soon.


Mr. Quaid’s

Mr. O Connor’s

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