The Science behind Jelly

Ms. Noonan’s class explored solids and liquids. Children investigated how the ingredients could be changed by cutting, mixing, heating and cooling. Children made predictions about what would happen once the ingredients were mixed. Children discussed how liquids are runny and become the same shape as the container holding it. Whereas, solid things have their own shape.

Soluble Vs Insoluble

Children investigated different materials in water to see if they would dissolve or not. They ensured it was a fair test by measuring the same amount of liquid and material. They observed the materials for the same length of time. They recorded their results by classifying the materials into sets of soluble or insoluble.

Properties and characteristics of materials

Ms. Brennan’s Class identified and investigated a range of common materials in the immediate environment. They described and compared materials, noting the differences in colour, shape and texture. The tested the materials and grouped them according to their properties of buoyancy, absorbent, waterproof, flexible, rigid, transparent and opaque.

Rates of Solubility

Mr. O’Connor’s Class explored does the temperature of water affect the speed of dissolving? They investigated how quickly sugar dissolved in water at various temperatures. This test was fair because the controls were kept constant. We used the same teaspoon measurement, same style cylinders and the same time spent stirring. Pupils learned that everything is made of particles which are always moving. When a soluble solid ( solute ) is mixed with the right liquid (solvent), it forms a solution. This process is called dissolving. They concluded that temperature speeds up the speed at which a solid dissolves.

Magic Potions

This Halloween Ms. Noonan’s Class mixed up magic potions using food colouring, baking soda and vinegar. The children were amazed as they watch the baking soda and vinegar react to form a fizzing magic potion! The bubbles that form are carbon dioxide gas.  A chemical reaction occurs between the vinegar (an acid) and the baking soda (a base).

The Science of Pancakes

Ms. Brennan’s class explored how materials can be changed by making pancakes. They explored how sifting, stirring, beating, heating and cooling can cause changes in colour, texture and state of matter.  Double acting baking powders contain baking soda with two powdered acids in the mix. When dry, the mixture is inert (not reactive). When you add a liquid, the baking soda and the first acid react to make carbon dioxide bubbles. When the mixture is heated, the second acid is activated and creates additional carbon dioxide bubbles. Carbon dioxide bubbles trapped by the gluten mixture when your pancake solidifies creates fluffiness!

The Maillard Reaction is the step that gives pancakes their aroma, and that gorgeous golden brown color. When you raise the heat on your pancake mix, it causes a chemical reaction between amino acids in the proteins and the carbon and oxygen atoms from sugars. The end result is a complex mixture of molecules responsible for a range of aromas and flavours. Each type of food has a very distinctive set of flavour compounds that are formed during the Maillard Reaction.

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