Science Week show and Tell 2022
We were thrilled this year to be able to do a whole school show and tell. Children across the school researched their own science investigations at home. They brought these in to show their class and explained the procedure and theory of their experiment. Each teacher then selected three children from their class who they felt had put in excellent effort into their experiments and could explain it clearly. These children came to the hall to present their experiments to the whole school. It was a great success and we were so impressed by the effort and enthusiasm from all the children!
Science Week Events
Ms. Brennan’s Class really enjoyed today’s ‘Sea Science on the Seashore Science Week Special by the Marine Institute’ virtual event.we learned so much about the seashore and seashells! #ScienceWeek @scienceirel @MarineInst @LimerickSciFest @explorersedu
Ms. Twohig’s class attended the Science Week event in Adare called Animal Magic where they explored how animals adapt to their environment for survival.
Science Week Show and Tell
As part of Science Week, all the children of Patrickswell N.S. came to school with their own Science investigation or experiment that they had researched and planned at home. They wrote up their investigation using the agreed whole school science investigation template at home. Different classes visited each other, sharing, demonstrating and explaining their scientific investigations and experiments to their peers. All the children and staff enjoyed the day so much and it was great to see children learning from one another. It was a great week in Patrickswell and we thank all the parents for their cooperation and participation.