STEM Showcase

Due to COVID-19 restrictions and safety measures our ability to conduct our usual wholeschool showcases was limited. However we endeavoured to upload all of our STEM investigations on our ClassDojo stories so that our families could see them. We also uploaded all of our investigations on our twitter page so that they could be shared with our fellow classes and viewed on the interactive whiteboards. When possible, STEM projects were also put on display in the halla where classes could view them in their own time. Mr. O’Connor’s Class designed and created super solar system projects. Thankfully, they were able to show their amazing projects to other classes from a safe distance outside. Check out the video of their showcase by clicking this link and going to our Space Week Page.

Two girls from 6th Class also created an educational video that could be shared with other classes when learning about the solar system.

Ms. Brennan’s Class showcased the brilliant boats to other classes in the school outside. Other classes made predictions on whether or not they thought each boat would firstly, float or secondly, be able to move. The children were thrilled to have an audience for their projects.

For Science Week classes also created digital showcases to be shared with one another online.

Ms. Twohig’s Class were also able to showcase their STEPS projects to Donal Brennan, Civil Engineer.

Click the link to see one of their projects

Famous Scientists Interactive Maths Display

Ms. Russell’s Class created a marvellous maths display about famous scientists. Children drew and coloured portraits of various famous scientists. They then write different facts about these scientists that were concealed by postits. Each postit had a maths question on it for school mates to solve. Once a schoolmate solved these questions they could reveal a fun fact about the famous scientist.

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