Engineers Week Show and Tell
As part of Engineers Week, children of Patrickswell N.S. came to school with their own Engineer Design and Make creations that they had researched and planned at home. They wrote up their investigation using the agreed whole school engineering plan template at home. Different classes visited each other, sharing, demonstrating and explaining their creations with their peers.
Children brought in boats that they made at home and demonstrated how they could move in water to other classes. Children had great fun testing each others’ creations out and sharing ideas of how to improve.
Science Show and Tell
During Science Week children from 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th classes went around the school and showcased their Science investigations to each other. These photos can be seen in our Science Week tab.
Ms. Noonan’s Junior Infants and Senior Infants and Ms. Brennan’s Senior Infants researched their favourite Arctic and Safari animals. They researched their animal’s appearance, diet, habitat and adaptations that help them to survive in the wild.
COVID-19 Home Investigations Show and Tell
Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 we were not able to hold a show case of our STEM investigations and activities where parents could attend. Instead, we set home learning activities where children could research different experiments and investigations that helped children to better understand COVID-19. We then combined these to create a DIGITAL STEM Show Case. Even though we were learning apart we were able to share and see each other’s work through using technology.
We asked children to read assigned powerpoints / stories for their class, choose a scientific investigation to do from the options given, take photos and write up their science investigation. Children were also able to come up with other scientific investigations of their own that related to COVID 19. Children wrote up the investigations using the whole school template given and sent in photos through our school homework email.
Children in younger classes were asked to read the story ‘Dr. Dog Explains Coronavirus’ by Lydia Monks. Then, they were given the option to write up a rhyming spell to vanish COVID or write a procedure of how to wash your hands properly.
COVID Stories, Rhymes and Spells
COVID 19 Hands On Investigations
Some children chose to write up instructions of how to wash your hands properly.
One child even used computer technology to create informative posters of how to wash your hands properly that could be displayed in school once we returned. They did this with the help of their parents.
Mathematics Show and Tell
Home learning was a great opportunity to practice our measuring capacity and weight skills through baking some of our favourite recipes with our families.
Children sent in videos and photos of their home learning about weight and capacity. They explored weight and capacity in real life contexts at home. When they gained a good understanding of these concepts they they implemented what they learned through baking and cooking activities.
Children were also challenged to write out and try and prepare a recipe from a foreign country.