Parents Association 2017/2018 Round-Up

Parents Association have had a very successful year with lots of fundraising events to support the school.  Some of which are Bob a Job, Church Gate Collection, Table Quiz and Sponsored Walk.

Presenting the Raffle Prizes at our Quiz Night

All of the above were well supported by parents, family and the local community. We are very thankful to the local businesses for always supporting us when we come looking for spot prizes each year. All of these events go towards purchasing necessary equipment or training aids in the school for example, projectors, new floor in classrooms, paint for school and New English literature program.

At the end of last year’s school term Audrey, Breda and Catherine did a fantastic job on the art work around the school which was a lovely surprise for the kids.  Also Declan O’Brien made new basketball nets which are a great addition to the school yard.


Anti-Bullying & Buddy Bench

The Parents Association also arranged an Anti bullying talk within the school which was a great success and received very well by the students.


Last year we lost our dear friend Mr John Nestor and as a way to remember him the Parents Association arranged to have 2 buddy benches made in his honour. Thanks to Declan, Audrey and Breda for the fabulous craftsmanship that went into these as it meant a lot to the teachers and students as it is a great tribute to a great teacher who is dearly missed. May he rest in peace.

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