Tickets available from the school office or online via eventbrite (link here)
WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT!! We would love every family to support our major fundraiser for the year which promises to be a great event! 24 brave souls have put themselves forward to be contestants and enter “The Jungle”. Just like the TV show of the same name the contestants will be asked to eat/drink horrible concoctions and come face to face with Creepy Crawlies and a lot worse!! Tickets for the event are available from the school office and cost €20 each or family tickets for 2 adults and 2 Under 16s are available at a cost of €50 but these family tickets have to be bought online. Please spread the word and lets sell out the South Court and make it a night to remember- and most important of all it is a child friendly event so why not make it a family night out! Looking forward to seeing you there!
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