Patrickswell National School- Science Week

This week, November 26th-30th, we will be celebrating Science Week in Patrickswell National School. Over the next week, every class in the school will be speaking about the ‘Light’ strand of the Science Curriculum and on Friday we will be asking the children to bring in their own experiments show and explain the experiments to children from another class. These experiments do not have to be about light. The class teachers will explain everything to the children during the week. National Science Week was two weeks ago, but during that week we had our Diocesan Inspection in the school, which went very well, and also the classes were doing their Micro-T and Sigma-T tests. There are lots of brilliant ideas for simple experiments online- just google ‘Science Week Ireland 2018 ideas’… The kids really enjoy showing off their experiments and photos will be put up at theend of science week. Enjoy the mayhem and the mess

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