Schools Lessons for Home for Week of March 30th 2020

Please find below the lessons that teachers would like to be completed during the Week of Monday 30th March. REMEMBER- to send your photos of completed work to- so that the teachers can give both feedback and advice. Every family should be posting during the week!!

Ms. Noonan’s-

Ms Noonan wants all pupils to continue with the work assigned before the closure- see underneath! Also, she has been making great recommendations in her replies to emails on Keep up the good work!

Ms. Brennan’s

Mrs. Lordan’s

Mr. Bulfin-

Work for 3rd/4th Class 

  • Please start a new copy and do ALL your work during the closure into it…
  • Starlight– read story on pages 128-130-             Activities- Monday- put all the new words in sentences(printed in bold writing in the story) in your copy.                       
  • Tuesday- activities C&D
  • Wednesday- activity A&B
  • Thursday- activity E
  • Friday- Activity F

Better English– Unit 21, one page Mon-Thurs

Handwriting Book– next 2 pages during the week.

3rd class- Just Phonics- pages 34-36, your spellings are all the words on page 35- put these words into sentences in your copy

4th- Spellbound next unit- put the spellings into sentences- make a list of the nouns, verbs and adjectives in your copy

3rd and 4th Class:

Leigh sa Bhaile- pages 75-79

Read at Home- pages 105-109

Better Maths 3rd and 4th: pages 66, 67 and 68

4th Where on Earth- pages 24&25

3rd Where on Earth- pages 26&27

  • You should start a daily diary and write 6-8 sentences every day about what you have been up to. 
  • it would be great if you could learn the name of a new country every day- what continent it is on and what is its capital? List this information in your copy and write 2 cool facts about the country please.

Last thing on a previous post this week in our blog on this website, I have posted lots of great apps for coding. I would  recommend each pupil to download one of the apps and  to try it. We are using Scratch Jr in my house. Coding is great fun and educational so enjoy it when you are finished your work.

Mr. Quaid-

As Mr Quaid advised last week you should keep continuing with the units in the books he assigned and your child has been given two units of Planet Maths to have completed by the Easter Holidays next Friday . Also, as stated below, you have Léigh as Bhaile and Read at Home to do aswell.

Mr O’ Connor-

As Mr O Connor wrote on the bottom of the homework set before the school closure, he would like everyone to follow the same format as the previous two weeks p, but to move onto Unit 26 on the 6 books that are being used.

Also, on a previous post this week in our blog on this website, I have posted lots of great 

apps for coding. I would recommend each pupil to download one of the apps and  to try it. Coding is great fun and educational so enjoy it when you are finished your work!

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