School Tracksuit Tops Sale and Collection information

Hi all,

I hope that everyone is enjoying their summer holidays. The new school tracksuit tops have arrived and I think they look really nice…

My plan is to be at the school selling the tracksuit tops at certain times over the next few weeks. The first of these times will be this Friday 6th August from 11am-1pm. 

I know some people might be away so I will arrange another time next week. I will be in touch early next week about the next collection time.

Information for Collection-

NB- Each top costs €25.. if you could have the exact money ready that would be a lot easier for the school.

NB- We will only be selling one top per pupil at these collections- you will then have the option of ordering more tops at the collections and they will be delivered in the next four weeks. This means that we will at least have a new top for each child for the start of the year.

NB- as stated before the holidays- it is still an option to use the tracksuit top that was in use last year. In fact FENNESSYS on William St, Limerick still have those tracksuit tops for sale if anyone would prefer to buy them. They also have the plain light blue  polo shirts and PLAIN navy tracksuit bottoms that will be our uniform this year.

I will be there until 1pm- so please everyone do not all arrive at 11am. Of course everyone is asked to observe social distancing and to wear a mask when entering the school grounds. 

I hope the above is satisfactory for everyone.

The school is contactable during the holidays at

Take care,

David Bulfin

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