School work for the week of April 27th- May 1st

Ms Noonan’s Junior Infants The link below will bring you to Miss Noonan’s Junior Infant webpage Ms Noonan’s senior infants The link below brings you to Miss Noonan’s Senior infant page… Ms Brennan’s Senior Infants Ms Brennan’s 1st Class Mrs Lordan’s 2nd&3rd Class Mr Bulfin’s 3rd&4th Class The link below will bring you […]

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Schoolwork for the week of April 20th-24th 2020: All Classes

Ms. Noonan’s JUNIOR INFANTS MS Noonan’s Senior Infants Ms. Brennan’s Mrs. Lordan’s 2nd class Mrs Lordan’s 3rd class Mr. Bulfin’s Work for 3rd/4th Class— spread the work over the week Starlight 3rd&4th– read story on pages 133-136 Activities- Monday- put all the new words in sentences(printed in bold writing in the story) in your copy.  […]

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Schools Lessons for Home for Week of March 30th 2020

Please find below the lessons that teachers would like to be completed during the Week of Monday 30th March. REMEMBER- to send your photos of completed work to- so that the teachers can give both feedback and advice. Every family should be posting during the week!! Ms. Noonan’s- Ms Noonan wants all pupils to […]

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Remember all the staff are here to help you and your child during this challenging time. The teachers are checking the email on a daily basis and will give feedback and advice to any email that arrives from a member of their class. Please upload photos of your child’s work to the above email. It […]

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Coronavirus Advice

Here is the poster the school received giving us advice how to deal with the Coronavirus. Please listen to the media outlets to get up to date advice and PLEASE FOLLOW THE ADVICE GIVEN!

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Team Limerick Clean Up

Patrickswell National School, as we do on a yearly basis, had signed up for the TLC Clean Up. Unfortunate the closure of the schools, due to Covid-19, scuppered most of the classes involvement in this. Mr Bulfin’s class did however get out to begin the clean up before the closure. Here are some of the […]

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