Congrats to Mr. Crowe!

Congrats to our former Principal, Ciarán Crowe, on the publication of the fantastic ‘At Last’. Mr. Crowe co-wrote the book with Mr Joe Lyons, Principal in Ballybrown NS. The two men behind ‘The Green and White’ magazine have produced a superb publication detailing the people and events behind Limerick’s first Liam McCarthy victory in 45 […]

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Annual Jumble Sale a Huge Success!

Thank you so much to everybody who brought in items to be sold at the annual Jumble Sale. We made a whopping €1150 for charity. We will announce the charity in the coming days and this money will hopefully make a huge difference to help some less fortunate people over the Christmas period. A massive […]

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Patrickswell National School- Science Week

This week, November 26th-30th, we will be celebrating Science Week in Patrickswell National School. Over the next week, every class in the school will be speaking about the ‘Light’ strand of the Science Curriculum and on Friday we will be asking the children to bring in their own experiments show and explain the experiments to […]

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Friendship Week Assembly…

We had a fantastic assemble in the Halla today to mark the end of Friendship Week. Every class performed a ‘Friendship’ related piece and their talents shone through as always!! Well done everyone… Read More to see the photos!                 We had a great end of “Friendship Week” […]

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